What % of Colonials Trade via Auction vs 'Other'? Público Deposited
- From jagre@attbi.com Wed Feb 19 08:19:45 2003
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Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 16:19:42 -0000
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Subject: What % of Colonials Trade via Auction vs 'Other'?
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I'm looking for guesstimates (historically and currently) of what %
of 'better' colonials appear in auctions.
I would define 'better' as things with say a minimum value of $100 or
some other kind of measure - as opposed to junk bins at coin shows or
the like which may represent 'tonnage' and skew the unit %.
Maybe I should include things like Stack's FPLs and Bowers RCRs and
Heritage's web site and Ebay and the like and my question should
really be 'what % trade publicly vs privately?', but respondents
should go where they wish with this one.
JA - 2003-02-19
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