Weight Variances Pubblico Deposited
[Colonial Numismatics] Re
- From mhodder@theworld.com Wed Mar 12 11:38:03 2003
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Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 19:38:01 -0000
To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: Weight Variances
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I've seen the ANS 16.5-H. Kleeberg is right (again), it has an old patina. It's
not a cast or an aftercast (as I remember, a cast of a cast) but a struck piece,
as Bobby Martin believes. Its existence suggests, strongly, that other CT's as
thin once/still existed/exist.
Mike H
--- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, Ray Williams <njraywms@o...>
> John,
> Wouldn't metal flow in a mold for a coin that thin, be very restricted?
> Maybe the next time someone is at the ANS, they could take a digital picture
> and share it with us.
> Ray W - 2003-03-12
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