What does one do with all these darn coin catalogs? Pubblico Deposited
- From buell@vectrafitness.com Sun Mar 23 15:59:06 2003
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Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 23:59:03 -0000
To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
Subject: What does one do with all these darn coin catalogs?
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I'm curious what others do with coin catalogs. We are moving
furniture to make room for an exchange student. For about ten years I
have been saving all the coin catalogs I get in the mail: Stack's,
Bowers, Superior, etc. I don't have any questions about what to do
with the catalogs with significant colonials, but all the others?
Many of them seem like they must be worth something to those with
other specialties. Seems a shame to throw them out. Others seem like
they must be of little value to anyone.
Who tosses them? Who sells them on ebay? Who donates them? I have to
start doing something other than letting them pile up. I'm interested
to know what people do in general with these things. I'm also
interested in good ideas about what to do with them.
Best regards on a rainy Sunday in Seattle, Buell - 2003-03-23
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