If you find 19 Maryland 6Ps, why reveal them all at once? Publique Deposited


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  • From buell@vectrafitness.com Mon Mar 24 21:04:15 2003
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    Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 05:04:13 -0000
    To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: Re: If you find 19 Maryland 6Ps, why reveal them all at once?
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    I'm having a bit of trouble finding the "attitude of not wanting
    anyone else to know what you know" in the earier posts. I see only a
    discussion about why those darn profit maximizing business people
    would have marketed coins as they did.

    Maybe you are one of us who thinks that it would be nice if hoards
    are preserved and researched prior to dispersal. Your post is not
    clear on that. Wishing it so and being appalled will not make it so.
    What is a hobby for some is a business for others. Hoards will only
    be well researched once auction houses and others for whom it is a
    business find it in their best interest to do so. I think that this
    can happen. We reward those who do as we like with our bids. Just my
    appraisal of reality as I see it.

    Now my question: is my attitude appalling to you?

    I'm mostly just confused by your post, Buell

    --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "Byron Weston" <bkweston@l...>
    > This is an interesting scenario play, guys, but as a collector with
    > keen interest in the research aspects of numismatics I find your
    > attitudes appalling. In fact this attitude of not wanting anyone
    > to know what you know is probably the biggest detriment to
    > and only slows down knowledgeable research sometimes stiffling it
    > completely.
    > Shame!
    > Byron

URL source Date publiée
  • 2003-03-24
  • 1

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