Special Offer Público Deposited

Contenido del artículo
  • From johnmenc@optonline.net Sun Apr 13 18:49:36 2003
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    Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 01:49:35 -0000
    To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: Special Offer
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    From: "John Lorenzo" <johnmenc@optonline.net>
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    X-Yahoo-Profile: colonial_john_c4

    To C4 Members only - Minimum purchase of 300 pieces, requests will be
    honored but owner will assemble a lovely group of Farthings, GEORGE
    II and GEORGE III Halfpence both struck and cast and will also
    include Irish pieces. All coppers offered will have with lovely
    readable dates, no culls, just great pieces that have been offered on
    E-Bay previously in the less than $100 range. Special offering of a
    minimum of 300 pieces for only $24 each. Owner has 4000 pieces to
    offer collectors at these wholesale prices. These coins were put
    together over the last 50 years by the same collector (Eastern
    Collector. Coins will be sold at my residence at your convenience
    over the next year. Coins will not be shipped. Seller eager to
    disperse these coins. Some of you I know have already purchased nice
    groups over the last several years.
    Any interested parties drop me an E-Mail for further details or
    specific wants from this series. John Lorenzo.

URL de origen Fecha de publicación
  • 2003-04-13
  • 1


Autor NNP