AK-9 Público Deposited
[Colonial Numismatics] Re

Conteúdo do artigo
- From johnmenc@optonline.net Mon May 05 20:58:09 2003
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Date: Tue, 06 May 2003 03:58:06 -0000
To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: AK-9
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From: "John Lorenzo" <johnmenc@optonline.net>
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List of file types=20
Image file formats=20
Bitmap (.bmp). Often a good choice because Windows itself and most=20
Windows programs accept the .bmp file type.=20
FlashPix (.fpx). A FlashPix file contains a complete image plus=20
several lower resolution copies of that image. The advantage of the=20
FlashPix file format over other file formats is that a program can=20
automatically select the best resolution for a particular job to make=20
editing and using images faster and easier. Cannot be used with 256-
color output types.=20
GIF (.gif). GIF is a compressed file format suitable for an image=20
that will be used on the Web or on multiple platforms. You can save=20
your GIF file as an interlaced GIF. Cannot be used with True Color=20
output type.=20
JPEG (.jpg). JPEG is a compressed file format for images. Its=20
strengths are small file sizes and speed. The trade-off for these=20
advantages, though, is reduced image quality. Because each time an=20
image is compressed with JPEG it loses a little of the image data,=20
avoid compressing a file with JPEG more than once. JPEG is an=20
appropriate file format for an image that will be used on the Web or=20
on multiple platforms.=20
You can save your JPEG file as a progressive JPEG. When used on a Web=20
page, a progressive JPEG is initially sent as just every other line,=20
with the remaining lines sent immediately after. This allows a=20
(somewhat blurry) image to display sooner. Most people prefer this.=20
JPEG can be used only with True Color and Grayscale output types.=20
PNG (.png). A compressed image file format that might replace GIF.=20
Like GIF, PNG uses non-lossy compression, which means all the visual=20
data is saved and restored when the file is decompressed. Unlike GIF,=20
PNG can be used with the True Color output type, as well as grayscale=20
TIFF (.tif). Usually created by scanners, TIFF files are widely=20
accepted by programs that work with photographs and other images. A=20
TIFF file is a bitmapped graphic (also called a raster graphic) and=20
can be any resolution. TIFF image files can be used on multiple=20
TIFF compressed (.tif). TIFF compressed files for images are smaller=20
than standard TIFF files.=20
PCX image (.pcx). The PCX file format is for images used in Windows=20
programs such as PC Paintbrush and Paint.=20
Windows Metafile (.wmf). The Microsoft Windows Metafile file format=20
is used for scalable (vector) images in Windows programs. It is only=20
available for images using the Black & White Scalable (vector) output=20
Text or text-and-image file formats=20
HTML (.htm). HTML is useful for text and graphics that will be viewed=20
on the World Wide Web. When this format is selected for a scanned=20
image containing both text and images, the text is converted to=20
editable text and is saved as HTML, and the graphics are saved as GIF=20
or JPEG files.=20
PDF (.pdf). PDF is a format useful for text, photos, and drawings.=20
Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to view .pdf files. If no changes need to be=20
made to the file, this file type is useful for sharing (as through=20
e-mail) and filing because of its generally small file size.=20
Rich Text (.rtf). The .rtf format can be used with a page that=20
contains text or text and pictures. The formatting of text in an .rtf=20
file can usually be retained and then interpreted by other programs.=20
Text (.txt). Use .txt file format for saving only the text in the=20
selection area and when you are using the Editable Text (OCR) output=20
type. Text will be editable, unformatted, ASCII text.=20
I prefer bitmap but can not argue against JPEG. To me they are=20
equivalent. To be honest I did not consider the muling and only the=20
date. Based on the muling factor I think you made a fine purchase.=20
However, if its anything but a 1750 please post the pictures and tell=20
everyone and his brother I was wrong - if you wish.
--- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, Dan Freidus <freidus@w...>=20
> >Why would anyone use bmp for ebay photos? It's slower than JPG=20
> >it's basically a PC-only format while everyone can read a JPG=20
> >is what most cameras generate to begin with).
> Dan
> >I can open the pictures on ebay (bmp format) but can not open the=20
> >two attachments John sent.
> >Stan
> >
> >"David L. Palmer" wrote:
> >
> >> Rob, It's not the pictures, it YOU! You and that Mac your=20
> >> yapping about<bg> DP
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, rob retz=20
> >> wrote:
> >> > I've NEVER had one of John's pictures open up on ebay - only=20
> >> that I
> >> > can recall that has pulled that one off.
> >> >
> >> > Rob
> >>
> >>
> >> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> >
> >
> >
> >>
> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> >> colonial-coins-unsubscribe@egroups.com
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of=20
> >
> >I can open the pictures on ebay (bmp format) but can not open the=20
> >last two attachments John sent.
> >Stan
> >
> >"David L. Palmer" wrote:
> >
> >> Rob, It's not the pictures, it YOU! You and that Mac your always
> >>yapping about<bg> DP
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>--- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, rob retz <auctoricon@a...>
> >>wrote:
> >>> I=8Fve NEVER had one of John=8Fs pictures open up on ebay - only=20
> >>that I
> >>> can recall that has pulled that one off.
> >>>
> >>> Rob
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> >>colonial-coins-unsubscribe@egroups.com
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the=20
> >><http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/>Yahoo! Terms of Service. - 2003-05-05
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