favorite coin Público Deposited
- From palmers4@erols.com Fri May 09 19:48:16 2003
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Date: Sat, 10 May 2003 02:48:15 -0000
To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: favorite coin
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And a very nice $30 coin it is too! DP
--- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, CMcdon0923@a... wrote:
> Attached is an image of what I consider my favorite coin. (My
apologies if
> it doesn't come through...never posted an image to the group.)
> It's not rare, or high grade, but what makes it special, at least
to me is;
> It was my first Connecticut.
> I didn't know a blessed thing about Colonials....I was an EAC
member and
> collected Draped Bust Half Cents....never heard of Hall or Miller
> numbers....C4 was still more than a decade away.
> I just bought it because it was old...the first coin I owned date
in the
> 1700's. I think it was $30.
> Craig - 2003-05-09
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