favorite coin Público Deposited


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  • From noe14oak@yahoo.com Fri May 09 22:55:32 2003
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    To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: Re: favorite coin
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    I always look into the posts every few days or so, however I do not
    comment as often as I should. Yours was one of the "better ones".
    Your story of being a federal coinage colletor, and then gravitating
    into the "good stuff" is probably very similar to the majority of us.
    Once you go colonial, you never go back!

    Mike and Tom simply had good taste.


    --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "Neil Rothschild"
    <nrothschild@n...> wrote:
    > March, 1995....
    > I was dabbling in Franklins, Bust Halves and other Federal Silver.
    I was
    > also active on the old CompuServe Coin Forum. I met some guy from
    > California there, and somehow or another he talked me into buying a
    > "Connecticut" from him. I didn't really know what it was, but it
    was cheap
    > so I bought it (but it was a couple bucks more than a 1949-S UNC
    > so it wasn't really "cheap"). He told me it was a 1788 M.9-E and
    it "had a
    > neat head style".
    > I liked the coin, so I bought a "Laughing Head" from him.
    > He also told me to buy a "Taylor". So I emailed him back: "What
    the hell
    > is a Taylor?"
    > A long email conversation ensued and he kept saying "You gotta go to
    > Cincinnati to the EAC convention. And you gotta buy books".
    > The book thing was weird because you couldn't call up Bowers &
    Merena or
    > some mail order coin house and buy the books. You certainly
    couldn't get
    > them at the local book store. These books were very secretive.
    You had to
    > find someone who had an extra copy who was willing to part with
    it. Very
    > strange.
    > I thought the coins were neat, so I went to Cincinnati and I bought
    as many
    > books as I could carry back on the plane. I bought a Taylor from
    some guy
    > named Tom that looked like a refugee from Berkeley circa 1972. I
    bought a
    > Crosby (1983 Quarterman edition) from Charlie Davis. I bought some
    > publications. Then I met a guy named Ed who had a bunch of weird
    > counterfeit coins and HE talked me into buying some crazy book
    > "Forgotten Coins" for some ridiculous amount of money, more than I
    > ever paid for a coin, much less a book.
    > Eventually I figured out that this coin was heavier than any other
    M.9-E on
    > record (170 grains). A few years ago I bought the lightest M.9-E I
    know of
    > to go with it. I have an AU now, but this coin will forever be in
    > collection (weight aside).
    > Eight years later, I have 250 varieties and a room full of books
    but this is
    > how it all started... with this coin from that guy from California.
    > Here's to you, Mike Bristow, I'll be forever grateful...
    > Neil

URL de origen Fecha de publicación
  • 2003-05-09
  • 1


Autor NNP