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[ColNewsLetFndn] 1787 Ct Miller 32.1-X.3 Curious

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  • From joshalso2000@yahoo.com Sun May 11 19:16:20 2003
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    Date: Sun, 11 May 2003 18:16:20 -0700 (PDT)
    Subject: [ColNewsLetFndn] 1787 Ct Miller 32.1-X.3 Curious
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    Below are pictures of the 1787 32.1-X.3 that I had some verdigris problems with. In any event, I fell asleep and wound up with the results on the second picture. On the third picture there is a little problem. Take a look at the word "INDE". The "N" should be there or some small part of it, as the metal is still there that is the proper location for the N. Where some of the "N"s really lightly struck or is this just an abnormality of this specific coin? 28mm, 126.6 grains. Morris
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    <DIV><STRONG>Below are pictures of the 1787 32.1-X.3 that I had some verdigris problems with.  In any event, I fell asleep and wound up with the results on the second picture.  On the third picture there is a little problem.  Take a look at the word "INDE".</STRONG></DIV>
    <DIV><STRONG>The "N" should be there or some small part of it, as the metal is still there that is the proper location for the N.   Where some of the "N"s really lightly struck or is this just an abnormality of this specific coin?      28mm, 126.6 grains.</STRONG></DIV>

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Source URL Date published
  • 2003-05-11
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