[No Subject] Public Deposited
- From mantoloking2002@yahoo.com Sat Jun 14 10:07:43 2003
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Carl Wurtzbach was an early 1900s (1920s) colector of Americana but
well known for Colonials and Large Cents. Also, a past President of
ANA I think. Anyway, in 1937 he published a set of plates of Mass
Silver from his collection that was beleived to be the most
comprehensive collection and plates of the time. The coins had a
who's who provinance. Because of the time the Plates were issued, it
uses Crosby and not Noe Numbers so you need to do some work to
From here, what happens is a little murky for me and perhaps others
can help me fill in the blanks, but I think this collection ends up
becoming a large part of the Noe Plate collection which ends up with
Ford and presumably will be auctioned off in the near future.
I think the Wurtzbach Plates are acquirable although I do not recall
having seen a set in the recent past.
--- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "colonialcoinunion"
<jagre@a...> wrote:
> I notice a coin in the Hain sale was compared to the 'Wurtzbach'
coin of the
> same variety.
> Can anyone tell me anything about this sale?
> Thanks in advance -
> And as a follow up to my question about the Noe 1 Pine Shilling in
the 1914
> Parsons sale, I really appreciate the help. Within about 24 hours
of my initial
> post I had scans of the catalog, the lot description and the plated
coin in my
> hands.
> John Agre - 2003-06-14
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