C4 Talk... Publique Deposited


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  • From mantoloking2002@yahoo.com Tue Jun 24 07:00:28 2003
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    Subject: Re: C4 Talk...
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    It would be interesting. But even more so if there was some overview
    of the various finds so that we can better consider the types of
    coins in circulation during the 17th and 18th centuries. I seem to
    remember someone in the Group working on such a project.

    Roger S.

    --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, Ray Williams <njraywms@o...>
    > Thinking about metal detecting, I'm curious as to whether the
    membership would be interested in a talk on the subject at C4... I
    could bring several detectors, explain the operation, give a
    demonstration, tell some stories, and have a display of coins (yes,
    colonials too) and artifacts found. If there's an interest, I'll see
    if I can arrange it. Opinions?
    > Ray W

URL source Date publiée
  • 2003-06-24
  • 1

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