AK-47? Público Deposited
- From bkweston@lazerlink.com Tue Jun 24 10:59:07 2003
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Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 17:58:57 -0000
To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: AK-47?
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--- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, Ray Williams <njraywms@o...>
> All,
> Is this coin an AK-47? Any opinions as to the makers? The
reverse seems to have nothing on it that I can see.
> Thanks,
> Ray
Yes, AK-47, Ray, that is to say a well worn William III halfpence
that has absolutely nothing to do with the so-called Blacksmith
series. If a cast then obviously a counterfeit, otherwise it was made
at the Royal Mint, just as I suspect AK-47 was.
Byron - 2003-06-24
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