Jackie's back Público Deposited


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  • From OttorWaefre@aol.com Tue Jun 24 21:17:17 2003
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    Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 04:17:12 -0000
    To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: Re: Jackie's back
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    --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "ottorwaefre"
    <OttorWaefre@a...> wrote:
    > Hi folks,
    > Yes, I spotted this one too. For anyone who's interested, here's my
    > latest submission to http://cgi3.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?
    > uery=A+seller+is+bidding+on+their+own+item.
    > (a good URL to bookmark!)
    > ###
    > Further to my previous reports concerning suspected shill-bidding
    > eBay member time-to-listen your ref:(KMM69397074V51236L0KM) et
    > and who was subsequently suspended for some time in April/May,
    > 2 auctions suggest that she is back to her old tricks:
    > New England Shilling contemporary counterfeit
    > http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?
    > ViewItem&category=528&item=3032162178
    > 14K Gold Mens Croton Watch: 7 1/2 inches
    > http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?
    > ViewItem&category=3822&item=2642783768
    > the bidding is being led by the fairly obvious shill-bidder
    > vlaminck1922 in both of these, which are the only 2 non-private

    tomorrow I'll followup to eBay with some more datamass. For now, does
    this look familiar to anyone?


    Check out the format of the description - no embedded pics but photos
    hosted on geocities instead in the format [number].jpg, geocities
    user name similarly alphanumeric, pics removed after end of the
    auction, 19 (yes, nineteen!) bids, the stated specialisation in fine
    art, payment by cashier's cheque or money orders only, the repeated
    use of strings of full-stops.....

    Looks kinda familiar?

    the seller's vlaminck1922 and time-to-listen bid over $400 on it
    despite not knowing nor caring anything about coins. The goldengirl04
    shill's still active and bidding here as well, and elsewhere has been
    buying (surprise, surprise) a few coins and fine art works (3 of each
    according to her feedback) which I'm sure we'll see reoffered soon. I
    wonder if we'll see 3021662955 and 3021665235 reappear with the
    word "COPY" mysteriously absent? (Les/Mario/Jackie, if you're reading
    this, be aware that this prediction is now a matter of public record
    and such attempted deception would interest all sorts of people no
    end! :)

    time to load up the purdeys - the shill season's come early :)



URL de origen Fecha de publicación
  • 2003-06-24
  • 1


Autor NNP