Who is 'Dr. Black' from NN 60th Sale? Público Deposited


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  • From jmkleeberg@yahoo.com Sun Jun 29 18:27:52 2003
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    No, it can't be Edward, because the title page of the catalogue says:

    "Colonial Americana including Forty-Three Lots of Massachusetts
    Silver, the Earle Baltimore Shilling, Chalmers Shilling & Sixpence,
    A Choice Standish Barry Threepence, The Myddleton and Immune
    Columbia Issues in Silver, and Washington Rarities (one
    unpublished), all from Dr. A. C. Black, The F. C. C. Boyd and Maj.
    A. Walter Estates, other sources"

    John Kleeberg

URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2003-06-29
  • 1


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