  • From Jsuis@comcast.net Sat Aug 16 05:23:17 2003
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    Over the past couple of days, several colonial collectors have been
    posting slanderous accusations about me. Might I just add, of by whom
    which never had met me in the past. How I view this, "fine", In the
    United States we all bear rights under the Constitution;
    1.) Freedom of Speech!
    2.)Freedom of the Press!
    Afterall, colonial coins were ever present in the economy at the time
    when these issues, Speech and Press were adopted by out colonial
    fathers, our political endeavors to gain an independence from Britian.

    I have seen some of you posting nasty accusation,.we'll, God
    bless you and you certainly have protection under these two
    admendments,.......even though, they are directed to me,......thats
    fine,........it certainly does not hurt my feelings one bit.
    Now, for the most, not too many collectors in my position would take
    this lightly, okay, I leashed out too, in other postings
    within,...but, I too, have every right as well.
    Three years ago, I researched and put together a copy of "Knowing The
    Difference", a short journal with much added information after
    Richard Kennys 1952 booklet on colonial copies and whatevers. All
    copies were sold through ebay with over 300 more from the original
    printing of 200,......all of which I "self-published",......I paid
    for everything out of my pocket,......I never seeked a foundation
    grant for this work. Yes, in the appearence it may look alittle
    amatuerish,.but the photographs and descriptions are 100% percise.
    Now upcomming, I am looking somewhere in 2004 to release an
    admendment to this journal, "Knowing The Difference" however, I will
    employ a new direction,.......I am updating the current information
    plus, adding over 60 pages on the "Colonail Experiences" from past
    auction realize prices, Grading Serivice information from the grading
    companies, Supportive Information on fraudulent Sales at major
    auctions all accompanying names of individulas responsible for
    producing fraudulent information so that certain key colonials
    bring "genuine" money at these major auctions. Furthermore, I
    understand that many key individuals will be extremely mad and will
    want to launch a civil suit against me,.......that is fine, I have
    plenty of money to fight for what I see, hear and gather, information
    that took the colonial field and placed it in a destructive
    mode,.......and of course, those directly responsible.
    Now, some of you may asked; "Why?". Well, I too have rights under
    this Constitution as well.
    Here, on this colonial site, many people had emailed me to ask or to
    find out about certain statements that I had made. On the recently
    posted boards by me, I highly note that there had been particularly 3
    colonial collectors that have bought "forgeries" from me in the past,
    knowingly that they are forgeries and turn araound only to send them
    out to the major grading service for authentication. I see this as
    the most fraudulent of cases,..........certainly they knew it was a
    forgery, but still, the sent it to be authenticated. I have been in
    personal contact with the grading serivice, sharing with them the
    photographs and documentation that I had compiled on colonial
    forgeries, thus bringing to their attention that these certain
    collectors are scamming on only a fraudulent note,..........what is
    screy about these three individuals is that the major numismatic
    auction houses use these individuals as consultants on major rarities
    once they are cosigned to auction,........well, if that ain't
    injustice to theis specialized field,.....but I say, "that is fine"
    because they themselves, along with others will be in this up comming
    book, all names will be listed,.........these individuals will
    certainly bring themselves to the spotlight of crimes and criminals,
    including you Peter, your overtures of want-a-be British
    royality........so please, those of you who wish to throw stones at
    me,........please go ahead, for I certainly wear the "Helmet" of our
    My Kindest Regards To You All

來源網址 發布日期
  • 2003-08-16
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