Wood 33 comment Publique Deposited
- From bkweston@lazerlink.com Thu Aug 21 09:24:58 2003
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Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 16:24:49 -0000
To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: Wood 33 comment
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--- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "Byron Weston" <bkweston@l...>
> I don't know about any connection between this piece and Wood 33,
> Will, but there are actually two varieties of this '94 reverse
> married with two different obverses.
> They are related to Evasions by the reverse device design style of
> Britannia, as well as being part of a larger group of counterfeits,
> with dates including 1731 and 1771.
> I'll expound upon this when I get home where I have access to the
> counterfeits egroup archive images.
> Byron
Didn't say that quite right, I don't think.
...two varieties WITH this '94 reverse married TO two different
Anyway, later...
Byron - 2003-08-21
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