Some Mysteries of 19thCentury Cast Público Deposited

[Colonial Numismatics] COLONIALS


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  • From Sun Aug 24 13:35:34 2003
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    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] COLONIALS: Some Mysteries of 19thCentury Cast
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    Thanks for your input, Les, I'll make note of your comments for
    future reference.

    --- In, "jsuis" <Jsuis@c...> wrote:
    > Hi Byron;
    > Without actualy seeing these in person, it is rather difficult to
    give you a answer that is concrete. I am not aware, nor was I ever,
    of these being modern 1930 to date. I could only speculate that if
    these, copper over a base metal were ever in circulation in the
    colonies, I believe that many would have been either imprisoned or
    hanged,, I would rule out these as
    contemporary,.............. I have seen and owned a couple that were
    casted during contemporary times for circulation purposes, yes
    counterfeits of the time, but they were in copper, showing a 2% lead
    mixture, possibly for holding the copper together,..but they were 98%
    copper in purity. A few years ago, I belief there was a Colonial
    auction by Greman and McCawley that towards the back of the
    catalogue, which featured a George III in white
    metal,...........this, not that particular coin itself, I have one
    example in my collection that after examining it closely, I see some
    conclusionary results that it is more than likely a production from
    the early 20th century that for some reason, never got "coated".
    These do exist. It has been past belief that these never circulated
    in the colonies to some point, but then in Britian at the
    time,.............they would have been noticed immediately upon their
    release in circulation,.......especially the crude imitations of
    George III,..I think that the British goverment would have fully
    documented articles concernning hangings, imprisonment and banishing
    from England herself.
    > I have a good reason to possibly think that your two coins attached
    may have some credibility of earlier 20th century,........however,
    without them infront of me, I cannot say with certainty. Whenever I
    see what I think may be a cast counterfeit of these George halfpence
    coppers on ebay,.......I try to bid efficiently on them. I have seen
    many go in high prices. I had previously listed 2 examples in the
    past on ebay,.....both sold and the results from the new owner were
    conclussive to my theories, casted for contemporary use,.a very
    dangerous notion. I belief that your research is far greater of
    importance than mine concernning these George coppers, keep up the
    good work,...........
    > I also see this series "muled" such as George II obverses paired
    with the George III reverses. I would like to see if any mule is
    struck or casted,.............
    > Mario
    > ----- Original Message -----
    > From: Byron Weston
    > To:
    > Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2003 10:20 AM
    > Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] COLONIALS: Some Mysteries of
    19thCentury Cast
    > >From: "jsuis2003" <Jsuis@c...>
    > >Reply-To:
    > >To:
    > >Subject: [Colonial Numismatics] COLONIALS: Some Mysteries of
    > >Cast
    > >Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2003 13:16:10 -0000
    > >
    > >Dear Members;
    > There are George II and George III
    > >halfpence that are currently known in casted copper which mostly
    > >known as counterfeits for the period,........this would make
    > >since Machin dumped plenty of these in the colonies, the weights
    > >widely differ leaving many in underweight status to circulated.
    > >must have been a mad-house at times when purchasing with the
    > >coppers by weight standards. We see the George halfpences
    > >as "undertypes" on several series, ie the most, on New Jersey
    > >coppers,.........camelheads: 56-n's and soforth. Yes, there are
    > >great mysteries that were left for us today to unravel by such
    > >as Crosby, Marris and others. I have always been trying to fill
    > >the "void" in these that I just mentioned,.today, they seem to
    > >a mysterious place setting in colonial numismatics,..........this
    > >would be a great task to undertake trying to unravel their
    > >past,.........I am not disputing any legitimacies, however, we
    > >to throw out the pros and cons and to try to develope a uniform
    > >agreeable conclusion on these types.
    > >Thank you
    > >Mario
    > >
    > Les,
    > I'm intrigued by your thoughts and ideas, especially concerning
    > halfpence. Perhaps we could explore that in greater detail at
    some later
    > time as this group deals more with the Confederation era State
    issues, and
    > I'd assume those issues and their copies, counterfeits, and
    replicas should
    > be given priority here.
    > In the meantime though, could you tell me anything about the
    attached modern
    > "replicas?"
    > Byron
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  • 2003-08-24
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