CTSP Help Public Deposited
- From jmkleeberg@yahoo.com Fri Sep 05 12:21:47 2003
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To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: CTSP Help
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> J.K. What about those annoying IB counterstamps???
John - to which ones are you referring? I believe there is an I.B
counterstamp on a Spanish colonial 2 escudo cob, almost certainly a
contemporary counterfeit host coin, with a huge plug in it - and
almost certainly also a North American regulated piece - in the West
Indies Unattributed Tray at the ANS. Is that the I.B counterstamp
meant? I don't see how those counterstamps could ever be annoying -
unless you are annoyed that it is not an E.B! But we can't have
Still have not figured out those large star (*) counterstamps. Not
crab island. Remember???
Just to make sure we are all singing from the same page - I have the
Krause 19th century catalog from 1996, and it has, under Puerto
Rico, a listing for Vieques (Crab Island). The countermark is a 12
rayed sunburst. Is that the countermark you mean? I think I may be
on track of a clue that may crack the Crab Island problem, but I'm
staying clammed about it until I can do further research - unless
someone else wants to mussel in (sorry, couldn't resist).
Best to you,
John Kleeberg - 2003-09-05
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