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[Colonial Numismatics] Very nice St.


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  • From sstephens@hsc.wvu.edu Sun Sep 28 01:38:05 2003
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    Subject: Re: {Possible SPAM} Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Very nice St.
    Patrick coin
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    From: "Stan Stephens" <sstephens@hsc.wvu.edu>
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    I was sleeping but I am better now. Very good guys. This coin slipped by me=
    and I checked for St. Patricks on Friday. I have my suspicions as well. It=
    would be nice to see the edge. If it matches the dies of a coin I own then=
    there is a problem. I know off the top of my head they are both B208.4's (=
    nothing under the king and two colon punctuation) and the lettering is simi=
    lar and suspicious. My coin has square rims with no indication of ever havi=
    ng an edge. The surfaces are similar. I also have two matchs for it in whit=
    e metal, one stamped copy while the other is not. Finally, if you remember =
    a coin JPL had on ebay a little while back he called it an electro with no =
    signs of a seam. It was also a die match for the pieces I own. Houston, I t=
    hink we have a problem. I will confirm in a little while.

    >>> njraywms@optonline.net 09/28/03 00:19 AM >>>

URL di origine Data di pubblicazione
  • 2003-09-28
  • 1

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