B208_6 comparison Public Deposited
- From sstephens@hsc.wvu.edu Mon Oct 06 14:05:05 2003
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Subject: B208_6 comparison
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From: Stan Stephens <sstephens@hsc.wvu.edu>
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The ebay images of the "silver proof" are not go good but they will do.
Compare the scattered hits that are visible on the coin in question to
the hits that are on the color image. They match which is a no no. I'm
pretty sure the color image coin was sold by Dragonbrit on ebay. I'm
pretty sure I recorded this transaction....just have to find it. If the
buyer of the coin in the color image reads this please check the edge
and let us know. I'm going to guess it will be a reeded edge but you
never know. Finally the style of these two coins is VERY similar to the
B208_4's I talked about a couple of weeks ago. In that group of
identical dies we had my modern copy, my copper coin with a splash and
plain edge, and a couple of Picker photofile coins that I feel are not
Questions? Comments?
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