test Público Deposited

Contenido del artículo
  • From mhodder@mac.com Wed Oct 08 13:22:25 2003
    Return-Path: <mhodder@mac.com>
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    X-Apparently-To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
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    Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2003 20:22:16 -0000
    To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: test
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    This is a test. This is only a test. If my email had been bouncing I would not be
    allowed to post this message. Successful posting of this message will indicate that I
    am back up and able to blather here along with the other blatherers, they know who
    they are, don't you...?

    Attempts by AG John Ashcroft and his band of merry rights snippers to understand
    the coded message hidden in the above will be pointless.

URL de origen Fecha de publicación
  • 2003-10-08
  • 1


Autor NNP