The E-Sylum: Volume 8, Number 42, October 2, 2005, Article 24
Steve Pellegrini writes: "For those who may be interested in
acquiring a two volume set of 'Wurzbach', MGM, the German
coin dealership, has a few copies on-hand at 245 Euros a set.
They tell me these are not the reprints which were done in
Hamburg in the late 1970's. They are fully illustrated as the
originals and bound in half cloth. However, they say the pages
are copied. A bit confusing but this is such a tough set to find
that I thought if anyone is interested they could email them for
a better description. This set is usually well over $1000 for a
nice original and about $350 for the Hamburg re-print."The two volumes have 8 plates and they are half-cloth
volumes. Surface mail shipping would be 24 EUR (airmail: 48
EUR). Prepayment is required. Payment can be made by a
credit card."[The MGM firm is Münzgalerie München
Handelsgesellschaft mbH & Co., Joker KG
Stiglmaierplatz 2, 80333 München
Their email address is: kontakt at mgm-muenzboerse.deThe complete title of the work is "Katalog meiner Sammlung
von Medaillen, Plaketten und Jetons. Zugleich ein Handbuch
für Sammler. Mit einem Literatur-Verzeichnis, vielen Daten
und numismatischen Zitaten, einem Verzeichnis der Medailleure
und anderen Beigaben."- 2005-10-02
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