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  • The E-Sylum: Volume 8, Number 42, October 2, 2005, Article 30


    Roger deWardt Lane writes: "I recently picked up the Asylum
    - Summer 2004 issue which I had never read (The book had
    fallen between two boxes at the foot of my bed). I found the
    first article (Jean Foy-Vaillant) most interesting. I also read
    'Some Reminiscences by Q. David Bowers' He always writes
    so well. But then I started to read your story of how The
    E-Sylum got started. I've been reading and submitting items to
    you for a couple of years, yet I never knew your background.

    You must find time to copy the first three or four pages and
    post it. I'm sure that half of the readers are like me and did
    not know the story of early days."

    [In this issue and the next, I'll reprint several paragraphs
    from the article. -Editor]

    Starting my career at Bell Labs in 1980 I was on the Internet
    from day one, although it wasn't called that at the time. E-mail
    was a natural part of my workday, as were newsgroups, an
    early bulletin-board feature. By the mid-1990s "The Internet"
    began getting noticed outside of universities and business. Early
    interfaces were crude, and I recall vividly my excitement when
    I was first able to locate a programming tool I needed over the
    Internet. What once would have taken me weeks, if ever, to
    find, I was able to quickly locate on a server somewhere in
    Switzerland. And this was before there were graphics-based
    browsers and search engines. Those who know me know I'm
    not the excitable type, but I raced to get Steve DiAntonio, a
    colleague I was working closely with at the time. I showed him
    what I was doing and explained how it worked. I said, "this is
    going to change the world." In time this new publishing medium
    would change a lot of things, and would add a new dimension
    to collecting numismatic literature.

    Getting started took time. I recall one NBS Board meeting where
    Mike Hodder and I exchanged email addresses. It was like we
    were part of some exclusive society exchanging a secret handshake.
    Year after year I asked for a show of hands at the annual NBS
    General Meeting to see how many people had email addresses,
    and each time only a few hands went up. The US numismatic
    literature world just wasn't ready for a mailing list yet. But at the
    fateful meeting in Portland in August 1998, dozens of hands went
    up. The Internet had arrived on Main Street.

    Shortly after the initial September 4 mailing, announcements
    were also sent to the COINS and BIBLIONUMIS mailing lists,
    as well as the Early American Coppers "Region 8" mailing list.
    The initial E-Sylum mailing list was comprised of the addresses
    of NBS officers and board members, other current and former
    members, and other interested parties, for a total of 49 names.
    By noon subscription requests began arriving from around the
    world. Peter Gaspar of St. Louis, Missouri, was the first. Jere
    Bacharach of the University of Washington in Seattle, was
    second, with Dr. Hubert Emmerig of Austria a close third.
    Some current members wrote to confirm or update their mailing
    address, and ten new folks subscribed. By 5 pm the list had
    already grown to 59 names. Over the course of the Labor Day
    weekend another twenty people subscribed, mostly from the US,
    but from as far afield as Italy, Poland and the Russian Federation.

    Neil Rothschild offered to publicize the mailing list on the
    Compuserve coin forum, and Bill Malkmus offered to do the
    same on the NUMIS-L mailing list for collectors of ancient and
    medieval coinage. By September 15 the list had grown to 90
    members. Coin World published an article about the email list
    in the July 5, 1999 issue.

    The newsletter didn't even have a name until the February 8,
    1999 issue, when we announced: "These email missives are in
    their sixth month now, but they've never had a formal name.
    To remedy that situation, we've decided on The E-sylum, an
    obvious play on our print journal The Asylum. " Later I settled
    on The E-Sylum, with a capital “S.”

    The NBS Board had lengthy email deliberations about the name
    before deciding on The E-Sylum. We voted on a list of about a
    dozen suggestions. I believe The E-Sylum was my idea, but it
    was my second choice — I lobbied for The Babbler, that being
    what members of an Asylum are wont to do. But saner heads
    prevailed, and The E-Sylum was born.

    [To be continued ... -Editor]

Source URL Date published
  • 2005-10-02
  • 8


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