waiting for the catalogs Público Deposited
- From tom.rinaldo@att.net Wed Oct 29 17:19:15 2003
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Subject: Re: waiting for the catalogs
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Hi folks, was out of town for 2 days, went to a fundraiser for the
2004 election and took in some museums etc. with Janet, just got
back in. Here's what happens with the catalogs. The printer has a
minimal capacity to bind some catalogs, and he binds a few dozen
himself. That's all he can do on site. Those catalogs go out early,
usually to consignors and C4 Life members, and what is left over
from that batch, if any, goes out more or less randomly. The rest
of the binding is done at a professional binder, that was being done
last weekend. I think they were delivered basck from the binder
late on Monday, so the rest of the catalogs went out for the most
part on Tuesday. M&G paid overtime for the binders to work over the
weekend by the way.
Anyway, that is the reason why it seems some people get them early
and most others have to wait longer. Don't know what's going on or
not with the web site, haven't checked or had time to ask
Tom - 2003-10-29
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