Ray T-Just review the material Public Deposited
- From jlorenzo@ob.ilww.com Tue Nov 11 06:59:05 2003
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Subject: Ray T-Just review the material
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From: "John Lorenzo" <jlorenzo@ob.ilww.com>
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Ray T. we really did not get to talk much about the material I handed
you and you can simply mail back those items for XRF.
The question that seem to come up is with PM and SS is:
How can you pinpoint any copper source to any singular coin since
there were hundreds of copper ore mines in the 18th century in and
around England. Even if "most" of the copper ore was smelted at South
Wales due to unlimited coal supplies and navigable waterways perfect
for copper smelting operations this really proves nothing since
copper ores were coming from multiple sources. Given this how could
JPL possibly link specific copper ores sources to a particular series
of coins and their origin.
NOT TO WORRY. What I gave you at C4 is step 1 ( an introductory) to
the principle players and background of Cornwall, South Wales and an
interesting rare book and common book linking some coins (30 or so)
to South Wales smelted copper ore and to the Cornwall area.
When you ready for Step 2... two or three months from now ... we will
then proceed. Step 2 will involve some papers soon to be retrieved
from an Historical Society in England.
Again, let me know the probability of analyzing some further
potential 0.5% bismuth specimens form the Grant-Frances reference.
You could in the interim let me know any other coins that have high
Bismuth say over 0.25% - simply for entertainment purposes
only...really. I am also ready for that CD-Rom you have produced.
Later. JPL. - 2003-11-11
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