{Possible SPAM} [Colonial Numismatics] Interesting item on Pubblico Deposited
- From sstephens@hsc.wvu.edu Sun Jan 25 02:23:28 2004
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From: "Stan Stephens" <sstephens@hsc.wvu.edu>
Subject: Re: {Possible SPAM} [Colonial Numismatics] Interesting item on
eBay web site item#2220364665: OLD 1760 COLONIAL COIN VOCE
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The last time I had looked this common fake was still in the $20 range.
$110 is another matter. It has been maybe three months or more since I
have seen one on ebay. In the past I have contacted the winner if the
seller refused to listen and have been thanked for doing so. It does get
old though.
>>> palmers4@erols.com 01/24/04 7:31 PM >>> - 2004-01-25
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