Who was the FIRST documented coin collector???? Pubblico Deposited

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  • From jlorenzo@ob.ilww.com Fri Feb 13 06:38:05 2004
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    Snelling??? Probably not. This guy is pretty close??? Probably not.

    Sure it was probably ancient coins. 16th century??? I can't remember
    when the first numismatic book was written. It was recently about
    five years ago in a Kolbe auction. I am certain it was in the 1500's.

    HILL (Abraham)
    Familiar Letters which passed between Abraham Hill, Esq., Fellow
    and Treasurer of the Royal Society, one of the Lords of Trade, and
    Comptroller to his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury; and several
    eminent and ingenious Persons of the Last Century. Transcribed from
    the Original Letters [by Thomas Astle, the eighteenth-century
    antiquarian and archivist].
    London: Printed for W. Johnston, 1767. First Edition, half-title,
    [4], xxxii, 241, [1] pp., cont. calf, hinges partly cracked, spine
    gilt, label. A selection of seventy letters written in the late
    seventeenth century, now published for the first time from the
    original manuscripts, which were in the possession of the editor,
    Thomas Astle. Among those writing to the Treasurer of the Royal
    Society are Edmund Halley, anxious about the election for the
    professorship of astronomy at Oxford; Isaac Barrow, writing from
    Constantinople about the progress of his coin-collecting (Hill was
    also an ardent coin collector); the Catholic poet James Alban Gibbes,
    the astronomer Walter Pope, and Dr. William Aglionby, all sending
    observations from their travels in Italy; and Mr. John Newman,
    describing his voyage from Cyprus to Scanderoon and an eclipse of the
    moon at Aleppo. Other topics - antiquarian, cultural, military,
    political, and scientific - the conduct of naval skirmishes with the
    Dutch, the Swedes and the Danes, the plans for Wren's Sheldonian
    Theatre at Oxford, and the trials of William Petty's double-hulled
    ship. Bookseller Inventory #14806
    Price: US$ 681.66 (Convert Currency)

URL di origine Data di pubblicazione
  • 2004-02-13
  • 1

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