A Virginia Colonial Artifact Hoard Find Pubblico Deposited

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  • From jlorenzo@ob.ilww.com Wed Feb 18 08:55:30 2004
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    From: "John Lorenzo" <jlorenzo@ob.ilww.com>
    Subject: A Virginia Colonial Artifact Hoard Find
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    I have just been contacted by a woman from Capron, Virginia who has
    been metal detecting for several decades. This is a similar situation
    to my previous CNL article on the Newburg, NY situation just awhile
    back. I will be investigating the contents...hopefully shortly but
    just visually on a CD she is sending me. Sometimes the TRUST word in
    this situations can take some time.

    Just curious ... are there any volunteers (contact me privately) to
    help me write and or review this project for a CNL??? Sure...I got a
    preview...some VA Plantation pieces, alot of buttons & artifacts,

    I have not given up but just put on the back burner the copper-source
    article. In a nutshell I figure just let science a hundred years from
    now handle this questions on what were the main copper producing
    areas and pathways of copper ore and finshed copper for the different
    U.S. colonial copper series.

    However, Ray T. whenever... send me that package.

    John Lorenzo

URL di origine Data di pubblicazione
  • 2004-02-18
  • 1

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