What is this?? Pubblico Deposited

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  • From taxi_steve929@yahoo.com Sun Apr 04 20:24:26 2004
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    From: Steve Frank <taxi_steve929@yahoo.com>
    Subject: What is this??
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    I just posted this in a second group....hope it is ok to post here as I am just looking for info on this coin....thanks

    Just from the looks of this I though it might be special, so I put a bid I thought would be plenty on it to win....I sniped it at 100 pounds!!! With 40 minutes left, the coin was at 20 pounds. I went to sleep. When I woke up, I saw the coin had sold for 282 pounds and my bid was too low!!! And I considered this coin a good bet because I thought it was well hidden from most people due to a so-so description on the coin....could it have bought more if noticed by more people?? Or did the two high bidders just go real high and the winner got stuck??? anyone know??? Thanks. Steve


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    <DIV><FONT face="Courier New">I just posted this in a second group....hope it is ok to post here as I am just looking for info on this coin....thanks</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face="Courier New"></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face="Courier New">Just from the looks of this I though it might be special, so I put a bid I thought would be plenty on it to win....I sniped it at 100 pounds!!! With 40 minutes left, the coin was at 20 pounds. I went to sleep. When I woke up, I saw the coin had sold for 282 pounds and my bid was too low!!! And I considered this coin a good bet because I thought it was well hidden from most people due to a so-so description on the coin....could it have bought more if noticed by more people?? Or did the two high bidders just go real high and the winner got stuck??? anyone know??? Thanks. Steve</FONT></DIV>
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URL di origine Data di pubblicazione
  • 2004-04-04
  • 1

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