What is this?? Öffentlichkeit Deposited
[Colonial Numismatics] Re
- From jmkleeberg@yahoo.com Mon Apr 05 18:44:22 2004
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From: "John M. Kleeberg" <jmkleeberg@yahoo.com>
Subject: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: What is this??
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--- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, Ray Williams <njraywms@o...>
> I was not aware of any copper coinage that traded in commerce by
weight. (Except those hugh Swedish bars)
> Ray
Drop a Boulton cartwheel twopence of 1797 on your foot, and you will
never have to be reminded again that in the eighteenth century there
was de facto trimetallism! But you will need a new foot...
John M. Kleeberg - 2004-04-05
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