What is this?? Público Deposited
[Colonial Numismatics] Re
- From bkw11@psu.edu Wed Apr 07 17:08:10 2004
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From: "Byron Weston" <bkw11@psu.edu>
Subject: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: What is this??
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I love the order in which messages seem to be coming up today, out of
order, or not at all.
Yahoo is OUT-OF-ORDER!
--- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "Byron Weston" <bkw11@p...>
> --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "palmers4@e..."
> <palmers4@e...> wrote:
> > Instilling a desire to win is fine. JUST being aggressive usually
> finds you
> > on your butt more often than not. There is always someone bigger,
> and more
> > aggressive out there. Can I assume then that the Scout Law is no
> longer a
> > part of your thinking? A Scout is Courteous, for one. David
> Actually, also an interesting ethical dilema for some, I might
> suppose, David. Can't have one without the other?!
> I was not offended by John's use of only my last name, David, but I
> see your point. There was something you said to me one time, and
> recently reminded me of it again, recently...what was that -
> something about a battle of wits?
> Byron - 2004-04-07
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