What is this?? Pubblico Deposited
[Colonial Numismatics] Re
- From johnmenc@optonline.net Fri Apr 09 05:30:27 2004
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From: johnmenc@optonline.net
Subject: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: What is this??
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It will be more amusing to see if it happens this way - there is alot
of kinetic energy in this group.
--- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, Ray Williams <njraywms@o...>
> John,
> Why not inform the LI Collector and Fuld that this mule
exists. You should bring them together because you seem to know
about the situation. Don't wait for someone here to try to do
something. Go for it! Do you have an image of this mule?
> Ray
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: johnmenc@o...
> To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 10:18 AM
> Subject: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: What is this??
> Picked up any penny size blacksmiths lately? Here is a good
> blacksmith story ...the LI collector has a blacksmith mule
> that turtle HTT with the safe on the back ... it was purchased I
> heard with another group of coins from a collector so to this day
> remains UN-identified ... IMHO ... it will remain an unknown mule
> this blacksmith series and will go un-noticed by the CURRENT
> colllector and the colonial collecting fraternity and the new
book by
> Ful/Tayman ...UNTIL someone from this Chat Room taps him on the
> and informs him of this specimen in his collection based on THESE
> comments here and now. Tell me differently ...
> --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "Steven G Frank"
> <taxi_steve929@y...> wrote:
> > John,
> > I had to laugh...you knew you would stir up controversy with
> > Bobby Knight thing mixed with coaching girls
basketball...you're to
> > smart to be serious about him just being an intense
> and
> > not in need of some serious psychiatric counseling. If you're
> going
> > to try and emulate a coach, pick Vince Lombardi over Bobby
> > Knight...his perfectionism reached beyond the field and the
> > room..
> >
> > Steve
> > - 2004-04-09
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