C4 Newsletter Article Öffentlichkeit Deposited
- From johnmenc@optonline.net Fri Apr 09 09:48:39 2004
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From: johnmenc@optonline.net
Subject: Re: C4 Newsletter Article
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Going to these conventions is certainly a great experience and
particularly the first one whether EAC or C4. Getting to the
convention...say normally on a Friday and then when you wake up
Saturday moring at the hotel...knowing with the auction Saturday
night it will be 12-16 hours or so straight copper coin
viewing/buying/camaraderie with fellow C4'ers its a good
feeling...personally ... I never really get tired of in these
conventions even with the elevated prices and the continual
diminishing good material to be seen or procurred.
--- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, Steve Frank
<taxi_steve929@y...> wrote:
> Hi,
> Being a new member to C4, I was sent a small handful of C4
newsletters to break into the club. The copies included many fine
technical along with wonderful historical references on coins of
which many I didn't even know existed, not to mention the always
uplifting messages delivered by our president. (Ray Williams I
> I would like to point out one special article I read in the Winter
2003 Vol 11, Number 4 issue. "C4 2003: A Personal Perspective (Roger
> What a way to be initiated into the club!! This article had me
feeling bad that I had joined too late and wishing I had attended the
convention in Boston. (I can't wait until November) Roger was able to
convey the excitement and camaraderie he experienced at the event to
the point I experienced the feelings of attending without actually
being there, and I hope that C4 makes sure to either send this issue
to newbies, or at least, send a copy of this very personal relation
to all new members. I am sure it will generate the same excitement
with others that it did with me, and help to increase attendance in
the coming years conventions. Heck, C4 may want to re-print the
article a month or so before the next convention.
> Thanks Roger,
> Steve
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