V.14-84A Público Deposited


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  • From ljordan@nd.edu Tue Apr 20 08:27:21 2004
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    Subject: Re: V.14-84A
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    Better late than never! The Notre Dame example has a reverse die
    rotation to 4:00 o'clock. I just added that detail to the webpage
    (actually using a protractor I get 110 degrees clockwise or 3:40
    o'clock, but that seems close enough to 4:00).


    >Message: 3
    > Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 02:17:04 -0400
    > From: "palmers4@erols.com" <palmers4@erols.com>
    >Subject: RE: Re: V.14-84A
    >John, My specimen of the 14-84A is rotated to 4 o'clock. David
    >Original Message:
    >From: John M. Kleeberg jmkleeberg@yahoo.com
    >Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 16:19:01 -0000
    >To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
    >Subject: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: V.14-84A
    >--- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "Byron Weston" <BR>
    ><bkweston@l...> wrote:<BR>
    >> "[T]his specimen has the reverse die rotated approximately 300 <BR>
    >degrees clockwise or 60 degrees counter clockwise with respect to <BR>
    >the obverse."<BR>
    >Judging by this, Gary and I are getting the same result - a 10 <BR>
    >o'clock die axis for Vlack 14-84A.<BR>
    >Thanks, Roger S., for the report of the die axis on your specimen.<BR>
    >Could other owners of this variety also check the die axis? Hold <BR>
    >the coin with the obverse upright - then rotate along the vertical <BR>
    >axis (understood as an imaginary line joining the "north pole" and <BR>
    >the "south pole" of the coin) and report to which "o'clock" the top <BR>
    >of the reverse is pointing. (You will get the same result if you <BR>
    >start with the reverse upright, instead - an idea that many find <BR>
    >difficult to grasp intellectually, so they have to learn it <BR>
    >John M. Kleeberg<BR>
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