M.38-b Public Deposited
- From buell@vectrafitness.com Wed Apr 21 19:52:27 2004
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From: "buellish" <buell@vectrafitness.com>
Subject: Re: M.38-b
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X-Yahoo-Profile: buellish
Your public offering of an estimate must mean you have the hole
filled. I too have a 38-b (The Barnes coin which hammered at $4800,
graded there VF20). I'm sure my wife was egging me on. Given the Ford
coin and who I know that has the variety...removing them presumably
from the competition fray, I'm thinking the first significant digit
of this one will be a 3. This coin looks stronger than mine in the
upper shield area, but weaker everywhere else. It will be fun to
watch, I'm glad I'm sitting it out.
--- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, johnmenc@o... wrote:
> My guess $4,750...this includes the $15 registered mailing within
> the continental U.S. - 2004-04-21
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