A USA Vacuum Cleaner on Contemporary Counterfeits!!! Public Deposited

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  • From johnmenc@optonline.net Tue May 25 04:24:58 2004
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    X-Mailer: Yahoo Groups Message Poster
    From: johnmenc@optonline.net
    Subject: A USA Vacuum Cleaner on Contemporary Counterfeits!!!
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    Recently spoke to one of the big E-Bay dealers who sells=20
    contemporaries and he "surprised" me ...HMMMMMM.....you no good=20
    dirty rat!!!...how dare you take from the general mainstream <BG>
    see the below thread:

    Ha!! Not him though (although I have sold him a couple of things in=20
    the past)!!

    Established Web Sites with Thousands of Coins, Medals, Tokens and=20
    Old Bottles For Sale at:
    http://www.HistoryInCoins.com &=20
    Updated Every Monday - Last Updated=20
    24th May 2004
    ----- Original Message -----=20
    From: John Lorenzo=20
    To: akh@bottles.freeserve.co.uk=20
    Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 10:57 PM
    Subject: Re: FORGERY - 1735 George II Halfpenny!!*PIC* - Item=20

    Tell Bill Anton John Lorenzo says its time to retire. So you lie a=20
    little ....
    ----- Original Message -----=20
    From: akh@bottles.freeserve.co.uk=20
    To: John Lorenzo=20
    Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 8:31 AM
    Subject: Re: FORGERY - 1735 George II Halfpenny!!*PIC* - Item=20

    The trouble is I have a big US buyer of these things that has 90% of=20
    everything I get. Occasionally he doesn't reply (works away I=20
    presume) so I manage to put a couple on ebay.=20=20
    There are plenty on the web site (he wont buy from there for some=20
    reason) and if there is no discount stated, I'll offer you 20% off.=20=20
    Free postage as well.
    Andrew Howitt

    Established Web Sites with Thousands of Coins, Medals, Tokens and=20
    Old Bottles For Sale at:
    http://www.HistoryInCoins.com &=20
    Updated Every Monday - Last Updated=20
    24th May 2004
    ----- Original Message -----=20
    From: John Lorenzo=20
    To: Andrew Howitt=20
    Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 12:19 PM
    Subject: Re: FORGERY - 1735 George II Halfpenny!!*PIC* - Item=20

    Keep posting those contemporary counterfeits.
    ----- Original Message -----=20
    From: Andrew Howitt=20
    To: johnmenc@optonline.net=20
    Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 4:00 AM
    Subject: Re: FORGERY - 1735 George II Halfpenny!!*PIC* - Item=20


    Fixed Price Sales List
    Updated Every Monday
    Established Web Site Selling Coins & Bottles=20

    I have received notification from PayPal that payment has been made=20
    in full for the above item(s), as purchased through Ebay. Thank you=20
    very much.
    Royal Mail Post Office pick up days are on Mondays & Thursdays=20
    usually first thing in the morning - yours will go on the next=20
    visit, so it should be on its way to you within 3 working days or=20
    There is now an automatic 10% discount available to you on=20
    everything listed on my Web Site:
    http://www.bottles.freeserve.co.uk or http://www.HistoryInCoins.com=20
    and remember, the prices quoted on the site include postage &=20
    Many thanks again,
    Andrew Howitt

    Established Web Sites with Thousands of Coins, Medals, Tokens and=20
    Old Bottles For Sale at:
    http://www.HistoryInCoins.com &=20
    Updated Every Monday - Last Updated=20
    17th May 2004
    ----- Original Message -----=20
    From: Andrew Howitt=20
    To: johnmenc@optonline.net=20
    Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2004 9:31 PM
    Subject: FORGERY - 1735 George II Halfpenny!!*PIC* - Item 3912419538


    Fixed Price Sales List
    Updated Every Monday
    Established Web Site Selling Old Coins, Medals & Tokens


    Hello there.
    (If the information below is clear and payment is on its way,=20
    there's no need to reply to this E-mail.)
    You were high bidder in the Ebay auction(s) for the above item(s).=20=20
    I now require three things from you:
    1. A print-out of this E-mail (or full covering letter) - unless=20
    using PayPal / BidPay
    2. A shipping address printed clearly on the copy E-mail / letter.
    3. Payment (see options below) for the amount of:
    GBP =A3 (within the UK only - all forms of payment)=20
    GBP =A315.50 (anywhere in the world - PayPal payment)=20
    USD $ (anywhere in the world)
    The above prices include postage, either as stated on the auction=20
    page or reduced for multiple purchases.
    My address is:=20
    Andrew Howitt
    P.O. Box 7608=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20
    NG13 8WG=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

Source URL Date published
  • 2004-05-25
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