Whacky Ebay item Público Deposited


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  • From bkw11@psu.edu Mon Jun 07 10:02:22 2004
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    Subject: Re: Whacky Ebay item
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    Looking over cancelli's history and "about me" page, Steve, my guess
    is that you've probably wasted your time. Among other things,
    cancelli has sold bullion coins and labeled them "commemorative," and
    his feedback certainly isn't the best. Luckily the lot did not
    achieve the reserve, but I suspect that we will be seeing it again -
    unless the seller and he reach some sort of agreement outside of
    eBay. I wouldn't think that likely though.

    --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, Steve Frank
    <taxi_steve929@y...> wrote:
    > forwarded my note to the high bidder..and should probably know
    > Steve
    > Note: forwarded message attached.
    > ---------------------------------
    > Do you Yahoo!?
    > Friends. Fun. Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger
    > Message from eBay Member
    > ----- Original Message -----
    > From: stevengfrank@c...
    > To: stevengfrank@c...
    > Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 4:12 AM
    > Subject: Message from eBay Member
    > Message From eBay Member
    > Dear cancelli,
    > Hi, I hope you realize this is a modern
    copy....these "Grandpa's collection" coins are all over the net
    sucking money out of unsuspecting people and turning them off on what
    could be a great lifetime experience collecting colonial and pre-
    federal coinage. If you are unsure of my motives in what I am telling
    you, contact any online colonial group and ask them about the coin.
    Yahoo has a great colonial coin collectors group... Steve
    > Thank you,
    > taxi-steve
    > Never respond to an unsolicited email that
    includes incentives to buy or sell an item off the eBay Marketplace.
    If you get such an email, please report it to eBay.
    > Never pay for your eBay item through instant cash
    transfer services such as Western Union or MoneyGram -- such services
    offer Internet shoppers no protection against fraud.
    > For more safe trading tips, please visit the eBay
    Security Center.
    > Visit eBay, The World's Online Marketplace TM at

URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2004-06-07
  • 1


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