Willard Blaisdell Original Flips containing Spiro lot tickets Público Deposited

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  • From johnmenc@optonline.net Mon Jun 07 18:15:05 2004
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    Subject: Willard Blaisdell Original Flips containing Spiro lot tickets
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    (December, 1985) Willard Blaisdell, EAC #20 died. At early EAC
    meetings he was a one-man bourse. His collection was sold to Ted
    Naftzger in 1977 and dispersed through Del Bland.

    (November 30, 1968, Saturday) The meeting was at the Hotel Americana
    on Seventh Avenue and 53rd Street in New York City. President
    Silberman made the arrangements. About 45 people attended. They
    received a large cent counterstamped "EAC 69." Willard Blaisdell,
    Walter Breen, Jules Reiver and Dr. William Sheldon spoke briefly.

    JPL: Good old Herb ...One of the EAC founders and a frequent visitor
    at the NJNS meetings in Madison, NJ.

    JPL: The 15-J is a mystery. You can see on the bottom of Blaisdell's
    original envelope in his writing "double struck." It has a grade of
    VF-20 which is unquestionably XF-40 today IMHO.

    JPL: The M.44-d we know the coin went from Spiro to Bareford and I
    suspect Blaisdell being the intermediary in this pedigree chain. Who
    bought the Bareford M.44-d? Note the grade on the Blaisdell flip for
    the M.44-d being EF-30.

    Note in both examples Blaisdell using the 50/60'ish Boyd-Breen
    numbering system for variety attributions. NICE!

    Don't start to lie to me Buell ...

URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2004-06-07
  • 1


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