C4 Público Deposited


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  • From buell@vectrafitness.com Thu Jun 17 22:44:58 2004
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    Subject: Re: C4
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    I think you bring up a good point. I'm involved in a car club that is
    very like C4 in many ways. I recently read a very good article on
    this point in its newsletter. In brief what it said was that the
    health of such an organization requires rotation of all positions.
    Without it, members get lazy and officers start to feel overworked
    and unappreciated. Without rotation, the leadership group is denied
    the infusion of new ideas and new energy. A thriving organization is
    characterized by a large group of people that take their turn and
    rotate through all positions. C4 has quite a few people whose
    position in the club has outlasted their enthusiasm for the position.
    (Ray is not in this group, btw). I'd very much like to see more
    people running for positions. How do we bring it about? I'd suggest
    that it would be healthy for a few people to announce that they
    weren't going to run again. This would create a few wide open races
    and bring in some new blood. For some reason, few want to run against
    an incumbant in this club.

    We've had good Presidents, and we've had more Presidents than
    anything else. We need to see such rotation at all levels. Some of
    the regional VP's have held the position for a long time. Someone new
    should get a chance now and then. The people who leave these
    positions can try their hand at a different position. They can also
    rotate back in as a regional VP after a term or two. I can tell you I
    have more enthusiasm for my VP role than the Exhibit Chairman role.
    The latter I've just held for too long. We have so many great members
    who need a turn to contribute. We need to find a way to make it

    --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, DONVTWO@a... wrote:
    > C4 is a wonderfull organization and I am proud to be a member,
    however it is dying out.
    > Now think out my reasoning before you send the hate mail, 5 members
    do 95% of the work. How long can that last? What if Diane says its
    me or C4, Ray like me enjoys regular sex with our spouse, I know what
    his decision would be, so who steps up?
    > Its time to start thinking about tomorrow.
    > Don V

URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2004-06-17
  • 1


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