C4 Público Deposited

[Colonial Numismatics] Re


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  • From rogermoore435@yahoo.com Fri Jun 18 10:47:00 2004
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    From: Roger Moore <rogermoore435@yahoo.com>
    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: C4
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    Stan, you obviously got your position in a heavy
    handed power struggle and keep it with the threat of
    reprisal and mayham. <BG> Roger

    -- Stan Stephens <sstephens@hsc.wvu.edu> wrote:
    > I have been the region 3 representative since 1996.
    > I was nominated by
    > John Grifee to replace himself in this position. I
    > have never campaigned
    > or voted for myself to be in this position which I
    > do consider an honor
    > to hold. I have attended every C4 convention and
    > board meeting. I enjoy
    > contributing to the club in any capacity that I can.
    > I think I have a
    > perspective on how we have evolved into being a more
    > mature club. I
    > welcome other members from region 3 to considered
    > for this position and
    > I look forward to seeing some of you in Pittsburgh
    > and then again later
    > on in Boston.
    > Stan
    > >>> buell@vectrafitness.com 06/18/04 11:31 AM >>>

URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2004-06-18
  • 1


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