Ray - I am in trouble...REAL TROUBLE! Pubblico Deposited


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  • From bkw11@psu.edu Sun Jun 27 08:08:26 2004
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    From: "Byron Weston" <bkw11@psu.edu>
    Subject: Re: Ray - I am in trouble...REAL TROUBLE!
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    --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, johnmenc@o... wrote:
    > Ray - Here is the situation. Say you were in a particular
    > niche of specialized tokens. Then - every couple of months or so
    > would discover a new variety. If you try to report there is
    > virtually no pulse from any other colectors in this field, since
    > most collectors have simply been "ballparking" the design elements
    > to the closest already pictured variety for the last 100 years from
    > major auction sales or a standard reference - even though sometimes
    > its not even close. What do you do??? If you try to tell them its a
    > new die combination - you simply get no response - how would you
    > collect in this niche and how do you (if possible) change the
    > mindset in this niche that a new discovery exist. What was even
    > amazing was I recieved an alert from a collector on two specimens
    > be offered on E-Bay saying these two particular specimens were not
    > of this varieties A & B but were of the varieties C & D but in
    > reality they were actually new discovery specimens E & F!!!
    > You can't make this stuff up ...

    No, you can't, John. Apparently you are disatisfied that every
    Canadian or member of the Blacksmith's egroup are not bowing down to
    you in awe by now, so you've brought your ego here - again. As you
    have already expoused, none of us here can ever hope to achieve your
    accomplishments or rise to your lofty heights, so I don't know what
    good presenting your arguments here will do. If you're looking for
    someone to agree with your every word then I'd suggest starting your
    own egroup and letting in only Bill and the anonymous third person
    who always agrees with you and Bill.

URL di origine Data di pubblicazione
  • 2004-06-27
  • 1

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