fake bust halves 上市 Deposited
- From taxi_steve929@yahoo.com Wed Jul 07 15:51:48 2004
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From: Steve Frank <taxi_steve929@yahoo.com>
Subject: fake bust halves
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Hi...off topic.
I spoke to some folks at the Parsippany show who told me that they had access to the Davignon counterfeit bust half book and would be willing to tell me what I had from some pics...if you can get in touch with me privately at stevengfrank@comcast.net it would be appreciated...I have some fakes and need attribution for sales comming up.
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<DIV>Hi...off topic.<BR>I spoke to some folks at the Parsippany show who told me that they had access to the Davignon counterfeit bust half book and would be willing to tell me what I had from some pics...if you can get in touch with me privately at <A href="mailto:stevengfrank@comcast.net">stevengfrank@comcast.net</A> it would be appreciated...I have some fakes and need attribution for sales comming up.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> Thanks, </DIV>
<DIV> Steve</DIV><p>
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