WELL SAID BYRON Pubblico Deposited
- From bkw11@psu.edu Sun Jul 11 09:56:20 2004
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--- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "mario" <mariobyrge@c...>
> BYRON, well said concernning the grading services on the spliting
of hair to lower a 1% reading,...........another superb conclusion to
the debate of grading in colonials. This weeks CoinWorld,.......read
the letters to the Editors,..........as one reader had wrote, When a
coin is slabbed, it is therefore guaranteed "Genuine"
> Mario
The supposed objective grading, the authenticy and/or the attribution
are all backed up by meaningless so-called guarantees. I remember the
debates that started in the coin papers in 1986 about the objectivity
and accuracy that could be achieved by the slabbers and absolutely
none of their promises have come to pass - 18 years later! Instead
its turned into just another game to be played.
Anyone who believes that they are somehow protected by the plastic
around their coins is not only a fool but an inbecile as well. As
long as these imbeciles can be fooled then nothing will change.
Nothing short of a class action suit by reputable dealers outside the
influence of this mania brought on by the slabbers will ever make it
change, but try finding two or more willing to do just that.
Let's also not fool ourselves that the ANA or any other numismatic
organization would be willing to step forward either. After all they
are either the same people or just as influenced by the slabbers as
everyone else.
The only hope that specialists in specific genres, such as Colonials,
may have had was to point out the absurdities that have taken
place ,publicly, but apparently the slabbers have also planned for
that contingency by hiring lawyers to sue anyone who even hints at
some sort of dissention.
Byron - 2004-07-11
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