Wood's Hibernia Coinage Público Deposited
- From taxi_steve929@yahoo.com Mon Jul 26 13:22:21 2004
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From: "Steven G Frank" <taxi_steve929@yahoo.com>
Subject: Wood's Hibernia Coinage
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I need to know who the expert is on these...I assume Syd Martin, as
he catagorized them for the CNL back a bit....I have pages through
1450...just before his article came up....if anyone can find out
about a variety for me, please email me privately and I will send the
pic...I haven't purchased the coin yet, and am interested in the
variety as I haven't seen it...but there are a few for the
year...Thanks, Steve
My email is stevengfrank@comcast.net ... if you send to the group
email privately, I will probably never see it...Thanks again - 2004-07-26
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