WAY (!!!) Off Topic, Buy I Just Gotta Share This ...... Öffentlichkeit Deposited
- From CMcdon0923@aol.com Thu Aug 12 21:31:11 2004
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From: "Craig McDonald" <CMcdon0923@aol.com>
Subject: Re: WAY (!!!) Off Topic, Buy I Just Gotta Share This ......
X-Yahoo-Group-Post: member; u=2446688
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Sorry...we just discussed this whole attachments topic, so.....
For those who don't receive individual email messages, here's a link
to the image I had attached to my original email, if you're
--- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, CMcdon0923@a... wrote:
> We occasionally joke about our spouses and how while they may
tolerate this
> obsession of ours, for the most part they just don't really "get
it". But
> you know.....sometimes WE don't know, or WE forget, how good WE
have it.
> Last weekend my wife drove this point home (pun intended).
> My birthday isn't until the end of September, but due to various
> issues, my wife presented me with this last Saturday.......
> Sincerely,
> Craig
> P.S. I'm sure I had mentioned to her in the past that I need a
Ryder 15 and
> a Ryder 30, but I guess this was a bit easier to find. I wonder
if she'd
> want either of those varieties for her birthday? - 2004-08-12
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