WALTER'S SECRET CODE? Public Deposited
The E-Sylum: Volume 3, Number 8, February 20, 2000, Article 7
D. Wayne Johnson went on to add: "Incidentally, has
anyone broken Walter's secret code? What is the
meaning of the secret mark "297B" in the name index
following the name Robert Graham?It is no secret Walter did not like the design of the
1984 Olympic Silver Dollar. His words are well chosen,
yet very unflattering in his description. But the "297B"
in the index does not refer to the page number (606),
nor the catalog number (7602) of this coin. Could it be
Walter's secret word for what he really meant? Can it
appear in print in this proper publication? Was it his
way of sticking it to the artist? I'm curious to know."- 2000-02-20
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