A DAY OF INFAMY Público Deposited


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  • From bkw11@psu.edu Sat Sep 11 08:13:06 2004
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    From: "Byron Weston" <bkw11@psu.edu>
    Subject: Re: A DAY OF INFAMY
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    Lest we forget...

    --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "Byron Weston" <bkweston@n...>
    > We were immediately dismissed from classes upon becoming aware of
    today's tragedy. My thoughts immediately turned to member(s) in NYC.
    I know that Vicken resides there and I've emailed him at work and
    home - have not yet heard anything back from him. I believe that Eric
    resides there too. If there are any other members who reside in NYC
    or DC please let us know how you are doing - I'm sure that I can say
    that our thoughts and prayers are going out to you as more members
    are becoming aware of the situation.
    > Byron

URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2004-09-11
  • 1


Autor do PNN