WM under Sprig New Jersey (or E.J. Korvettes!) Pubblico Deposited
[Colonial Numismatics] Re
- From buell@vectrafitness.com Sat Sep 11 14:29:00 2004
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From: "Buell Ish" <buell@vectrafitness.com>
Subject: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: WM under Sprig New Jersey (or E.J. Korvettes!)
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Finally someone notices that the topic has drifted form the "WM"
topic enough to merit a subject line change! Thanks, Buell
--- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, Dan Freidus <freidus@w...>
> Hmmm, I had always heard the "8 Jewish..." explanation for
> Korvettes, too. Now I guess I know the truth, though I thought I
> knew it before. So it goes.
> I also remember seeing the Ramones in the Port Chester, N.Y.,
> Korvettes strip mall in 1979. I bet now you're gong to tell me
> they weren't really brothers!
> Dan
> P.S. It was a great show, as was drinking with them backstage
> the show. Bizarre though, because I figured they'd come out of
> character when they weren't playing but apparently it was their
life. - 2004-09-11
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