quadruple struck British half pence Publique Deposited
- From bkw11@psu.edu Sun Sep 12 07:29:42 2004
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From: "Byron Weston" <bkw11@psu.edu>
Subject: Re: quadruple struck British half pence
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--- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, Roger Moore
<rogermoore435@y...> wrote:
> Hi Clem and all. I am going through my notes on the
> Siboni beach party and I remember that there is not
> only a quadruple struck (like a clover leaf) Conn.
> (plated in the 1981 NASCA sale), but there is (I
> believe) a quadruple struck British half pence
> somewhere. It is not on your CD. Do you remeber one
> or is my mind playing tricks on me? Do you know where
> it is plated? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
> Roger
I believe one was offered recently on eBay, Roger, by a member here.
Byron - 2004-09-12
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