Happy Halloween 上市 Deposited
- From taxi_steve929@yahoo.com Sun Oct 31 16:04:16 2004
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From: "Steve Frank" <taxi_steve929@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Happy Halloween
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X-Yahoo-Profile: taxi_steve929
Most of my customers were dressed in costumes last nite...pretty
fun...lot of parties....I wore my evil clown mask and I popped in my
scary CD with the 6 minute version of psycho on it then drove them to
the back of a large cemetery without saying a word and attacked them
with a rubber knife....the out of towners who do not know me were
kind of shocked, but my regulars got a kick out of it.
--- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "J.C.SPILMAN"
<JCSpilman1@C...> wrote:
> Happy Halloween to all - -
> Hope you all survived the trick or treats!
> Jim/CNLF - 2004-10-31
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